Sexual Health

Primal Grow Pro Review (2022): Does It Work?

Sexual health supplements have been all the rage the last several years, and show no signs of letting up anytime soon. One brand of pills that I recently came around to testing out lately is none other than a supplement called Primal Grow Pro. With a name like that, you can only imagine what you […]

Sexual Health

Viril X Review (2022): Does It Work?

If your sex life has been suffering lately and you just can’t seem to keep up with your partner like you used to, trying out a male enhancement supplement has probably crossed your mind a time or two. Erectile dysfunction is much more common than you think, especially in males that are 40 and older. […]

Sexual Health

5G Male Review (2022): Fake Pills That Don’t Work?

What happens to men as they age is that their performance in the bedroom begins to suffer. Erectile dysfunction impacts men much more frequently than you’d expect – most men in their 40s and beyond experience ED or other penile debilities. In fact, most men have experienced ED at least once in their life, whether […]

School Info


Mission The Charter High School for Architecture + Design is a learning community committed to an innovative program [of study,] integrating the design process with the mastery of a strong liberal arts education. The school offers each student the opportunity for success and the preparation for life-long learning and responsible citizenship. CHAD is a thoughtful […]

School Info

Fast Facts

Fast Facts Founded by the Philadelphia Chapter of the American Institute of Architects as its Legacy 2000 Project, CHAD is a gift of substantial and enduring value to the city of Philadelphia. Governance: CHAD is a public, independent tuition-free high school, one of 46 charter schools currently established in Philadelphia. Its Board of Trustees consists […]

School Info

Charter Schools

What are Charter Schools? Charter schools are independent public schools, designed and operated by educators, parents, community leaders, educational entrepreneurs and others. They are sponsored by designated local or state educational organizations who monitor their quality and integrity, but allow them to operate free from many of the bureaucratic constraints facing traditional public schools. Charter […]

Success Stories

Student Story

How CHAD has changed my life Antonio was a sophomore at a large, rough inner city high school. School was not a nurturing place for him. He was a good student, but his creativity was not celebrated or even encouraged when he went to school each day. The other kids made fun of his desire […]

Sexual Health

Savage Grow Plus Review (2022): Does It Work?

When it comes to the world of male enhancement, there are a ton of products and supplements on the market that promise to give longer, stronger erections or your money back. But when it comes down to it, how many of them actually work? The ads are everywhere: Late-night TV commercials, commercials while listening to […]


HyperGH 14X Review (2022): Does It Work?

One of the things that happen as we age is that our metabolism slows down. This leads to weight gain and low energy, among other things. If you’ve noticed that your weight has been going up as you get older, even without changes to your diet or lifestyle, you may be suffering from a slow […]

Anti Aging

GenFX Review: Does It Work?

Looking young without having to work hard in the gym sounds like a dream, right? Aging comes with more issues than just fine lines and wrinkles – you often lose energy and muscle mass, but regaining either of those seems impossible for most people. There are a ton of products on the market that are […]